So, I've come to the conclusion that I finally realize why I created this project. The multiple intelligence and the classroom stuff was what I thought it was and boy was I wrong. Follow your eyes to the top of the screen and you should see In 2009, I will P.U.S.H. the F.R.O.G. Pray Until Something Happens to help evolve Fully Relying On God! The whole purpose for this project is Honor our Creator with insightful activities using M.I. and become a more productive and closer-knit community! WOW!!! Now the ride will become FUN!!!!
SO for the month of May, use your resources and find 6 minutes ASAP to read the book of Colossians in the Bible which can be found in the New Testament.
My favorite scripture is Col. 3:4 which states Christ is my Life!! Could you imagine where He would take you if that's all you focused on? If you put Him first in EVERYTHING; how much would you worry or stress? Col 2:6-23 This portion gave me pause. There are some people in my life that have tried their PHILOSOPHIES on me and I haven't felt comfortable. This is why....Amazing! Col. 3:12-15 Make this your thought process and thinking while you go through your day to day details of your life for the rest of May and early part of June.
Make it your focus to spend more time with your family that includes the friends and acquaintances that are God's chosen people. You couldn't pick your family, but I think that was God's purpose. He wanted you to love people just because you didn't pick them. You may not understand their thinking when it comes to different topics, but they are giving you advice for a reason. Col 3:18-25 are some ways to help you with this way of life if you need some guidance.
While you are talking to your family and chosen family begin complimenting them with positive thoughts you've had or memories. Make it your business to make them feel special. Step out of your comfort zone and make some changes when it comes to the way you talk about and to your families. They are the ones who love you when you don't want to be noticed. Tell them you notice them!
Have you been challenging your mind and improving your memory? Try some number puzzles or crossword puzzles. Play in the newspaper, they could use your support right now.
Have you been moving lately?? I joined a Zumba Class offered through UL continuting education. I absolutely love it! It is just the right of intensity without the pressure of exercising! Do some movement somehow!!!
So this month think about what you are believing and thinking about in terms of your life. What are you hoping and wishing to have? Money? A Car? A House? I'm actually thinking about buying a house. I want to have something that I can call my own. My friend's sister graduated this weekend and she looked so young and fresh and thrilled to finally be done with high school! She had all the possibilities at her fingertips. So of course my friends and I began to share our thoughts about high school and I pulled out my senior book and reread the thoughts I had back then and it was great to see some of that thinking has come true. So do some dreaming, wishing and hoping and let me know if I can help!!
Push the Frog!
Enjoy the rest of May; I know I will!