I hope this ....is your moment of thankfulness.
Your heart is surrounded by so much love at these times, small moments of weakness you begin to give more and more of yourself.
I find it hard to believe this year has flown as quickly as it has. But then every year, month, week, and day I say that. Time...the only constant thing in history. I hope you found the strength to smile when you didn't know you could. I hope that this year made you come to love yourself a whole lot more.
Love is the greatest gift of all. Make yourself proud and start your new year's resolution early...like NOW... and put them in place BEFORE the new year begins. You will be much happier and less stressed about sticking to it throughout the year. Make them realistic. Make them about yourself on the inside and not on the outside just for one year.
PUSH the FROG...I just only recently finally understand what this meant in my life.
Pray until something happens
means praying without ceasing for the things that are of upmost importance to your existance
to help evolve
to assist and continually become fluid in decisions
Fully relying on God
wow...FULLY without doubt...no strings attached...letting go and let God....Can you imagine the thoughts of God? He has your thoughts, my thoughts, all the people you know's thoughts, and so on and so on...his vocabulary is like Webster's, but then He created Webster...LOL
The hardest thing to do in committed daily walks of faith is to Trust. We don't see Him yet we see Him EVERYWHERE. We don't hear him, yet we changed our direction and escaped injury. We couldn't even begin to fathom the joy He brings to the lives of those who just trust. We trust the bank to hold our money, but then it's not really mine is it? We trust our car manufacturer workers to give 100% daily, but that's an impossible task. Yet, we refuse to even try.
In America, we are the most privileged. We have a HUGE heart as a country....but we aren't taking care of our children or any of our basic needs properly. We need to start listening to the people who are writing this country's history and learn from their wisdom. Generations of thought processes and generations of characters are dying slowly. Some are good deaths....most are not. How do you keep that from happening? Eating the elephant one bite at time. A journey begins with a single step. You decide....
The POINT: So every excuse you've given Him/yourself for not completing a task has already been used over and over times infinity. Think my dog ate my homework. BTW, Kids don't use that one anymore. They now say my mom didn't put it in my backpack. *sigh* Gotta get those kids independent... :)
Love your life. I know I do.
Just wanting to express the love I have for my life with my Jehovah by my side.
- God
- Children
- Lil Wayne
- Pandora Radio
- Watches
- Music
- iPhone
- Candles
- Gummi Bears
- The Bible
About Me

- LeighCee
- Lafayette, LA, United States
- I am an amazing person or so I've been told over and over again! haha I've come to the realization that I love life! I really and truly love the feeling of someone returning a smile and laughing with me. I am a little conceited but only because if I'm not my number 1 fan who can be??
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
October Freedom
ONE MORE DAY LEFT....YESSSSS!!! I'm not sure if this is just me, but I have found that the months with 31 days seem to crawl by as if you need to analyze every moment. Well tomorrow is the last day and I only have one thing to suggest for you until next post...

Wednesday, September 23, 2009
September Love
September is almost over and boy was it busy!!! I hope all is well with you. Please remember to wash your hands properly and continously because that flu is attacking EVERYONE and quickly. I am praying that it doesn't come anywhere near you.
I hope you found some things that you love about yourself from last month and you are telling all those people in your circle how wonderful you are and the things you love about them!
Spend the last few days of September telling yourself All is well. Remember that God loves you and all that you represent for Him. Nothing happens by chance. :)
Return to the music of your childhood and your happiest adulthood. Find that concert that makes your heart sing and share it with someone in your circle. Weed out the people that don't allow you to be yourself and love yourself more and more and always remember God is love.
In the book of Matthew, Jesus gives his sermon on the Mount about how you should live your life. Did you know that speech only took 20 minutes? Can you believe that? My very educated friends commented that had to be God's son. :) Comedy, eh? The golden rule is actually Jesus' words of Do unto others as you would want others to do unto you. Press the Staples' EASY button Often and call it giving thanks to your creator!
I hope you found some things that you love about yourself from last month and you are telling all those people in your circle how wonderful you are and the things you love about them!
Spend the last few days of September telling yourself All is well. Remember that God loves you and all that you represent for Him. Nothing happens by chance. :)
Return to the music of your childhood and your happiest adulthood. Find that concert that makes your heart sing and share it with someone in your circle. Weed out the people that don't allow you to be yourself and love yourself more and more and always remember God is love.
In the book of Matthew, Jesus gives his sermon on the Mount about how you should live your life. Did you know that speech only took 20 minutes? Can you believe that? My very educated friends commented that had to be God's son. :) Comedy, eh? The golden rule is actually Jesus' words of Do unto others as you would want others to do unto you. Press the Staples' EASY button Often and call it giving thanks to your creator!
HIT it NOW!!!www.blingdomofgod.com/jesuseasy.jpg
Use your dreams to help you identify the events in your life. Take care of yourself. Spiritually, Mentally, Physically, Personally, Professionally, etc. There is no other like you and you are God's greatest creation. Treat yourself as such.
See you in October.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
August has no holidays...
Quotes for us to Begin:
Man is the only animal that laughs and weeps, for he is the only animal that is struck with the difference between what things are and what they ought to be. - William Hazlitt
Speak when you are angry--and you will make the best speech you'll ever regret.
August is special. I've always wondered why August has been chosen the month of no holidays that many people remember. My calendar remains blank with preprinted material. But as a teacher, August is a month of new beginnings and busyness. I've had the most WONDERFUL summer. It was such a reflective one, that I appreciated every day and yet I still had moments of panic and worry.
How is it that a bird can fly all day and not worry about anything? I mean nothing can possibly be that easy...I find myself being that bird more and more frequently. And you know what it's not so bad....
MYTH ALERT: You don't have to think about something all the time just because you have a brain. I'm surprised about that too. Also...we actually use way more than the 20% percent that has been rumored.
So in August, you will need to prioritize the priorities in your life. What is at the center of your world? My Pastor said ,"You know what's at the center of your focus/time is when y0u look at your checkbook and whoever you write the biggest check to, that's your center."
Wowee...well, car payment and rent are the winners for me.
Jones Loflin's Juggling Elephants is an excellent book that talks about our life as a 3 ring circus. He gives wonderful tips on how to survive the curtain call of life considering you are the Ringmaster. Some tips include: "The key to the success of the circus is having quality acts in all three rings."
"The ringmaster has the greatest impact on the success of the circus" "What have you done to improve your performance in one or more of your rings?" Finally, "People sometimes need to laugh, relax, and not take themselves so seriously."
Madisyn Taylor's Daily Om gives us our task for this month.
Materials: You, a piece of paper, pen or pencil
Time: However quickly you can write 5 things.
Her title: Listing Magnificence: Five Things I like About Myself
Step One: Write down at least five things you like about yourself. *NO MODESTY*
Include more than physical attributes on your list. Need help?: Call to mind 5 things you do not like about yourself and find something about these traits that you can like.
Step Two: Continue this process for a week. Thinking of a new set of 5 things that you like about yourself.
Step Three: At the End of the week, read the list aloud to yourself while standing in front of a mirror. *Remember to RELAX*
Step Four: From ARLECIA: Allow the smiles to arrive.
Since we are on the inside looking out at the world we forget to remember that we are phenomenal! Remember love radiates from within!!
Make August the month you make yourself your best companion and supporter, period.
To excel in anything, you must recognize the Excellency in everyone, including yourself.~Arlecia P. Hill
PUSH the FROG by following the 10 commandments as much as possible for the month of August. Some of them should be pretty easy.....others...well do your best! :) I BELIEVE in you!
The 10 Commandments - God's Revelation in the Old Testament
The 10 Commandments are found in the Bible's Old Testament at Exodus, Chapter 20. They were given directly by God to the people of Israel at Mount Sinai after He had delivered them from slavery in Egypt: "And God spoke all these words, saying: 'I am the LORD your God…
ONE: 'You shall have no other gods before Me.'
TWO: 'You shall not make for yourself a carved image--any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.'
THREE: 'You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.'
FOUR: 'Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.'
FIVE: 'Honor your father and your mother.'
SIX: 'You shall not murder.'
SEVEN: 'You shall not commit adultery.'
EIGHT: 'You shall not steal.'
NINE: 'You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.'
TEN: 'You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor's.'
You are your number 1 Fan....God has your back!
Man is the only animal that laughs and weeps, for he is the only animal that is struck with the difference between what things are and what they ought to be. - William Hazlitt
Speak when you are angry--and you will make the best speech you'll ever regret.
August is special. I've always wondered why August has been chosen the month of no holidays that many people remember. My calendar remains blank with preprinted material. But as a teacher, August is a month of new beginnings and busyness. I've had the most WONDERFUL summer. It was such a reflective one, that I appreciated every day and yet I still had moments of panic and worry.
How is it that a bird can fly all day and not worry about anything? I mean nothing can possibly be that easy...I find myself being that bird more and more frequently. And you know what it's not so bad....
MYTH ALERT: You don't have to think about something all the time just because you have a brain. I'm surprised about that too. Also...we actually use way more than the 20% percent that has been rumored.
So in August, you will need to prioritize the priorities in your life. What is at the center of your world? My Pastor said ,"You know what's at the center of your focus/time is when y0u look at your checkbook and whoever you write the biggest check to, that's your center."
Wowee...well, car payment and rent are the winners for me.
Jones Loflin's Juggling Elephants is an excellent book that talks about our life as a 3 ring circus. He gives wonderful tips on how to survive the curtain call of life considering you are the Ringmaster. Some tips include: "The key to the success of the circus is having quality acts in all three rings."
"The ringmaster has the greatest impact on the success of the circus" "What have you done to improve your performance in one or more of your rings?" Finally, "People sometimes need to laugh, relax, and not take themselves so seriously."
Madisyn Taylor's Daily Om gives us our task for this month.
Materials: You, a piece of paper, pen or pencil
Time: However quickly you can write 5 things.
Her title: Listing Magnificence: Five Things I like About Myself
Step One: Write down at least five things you like about yourself. *NO MODESTY*
Include more than physical attributes on your list. Need help?: Call to mind 5 things you do not like about yourself and find something about these traits that you can like.
Step Two: Continue this process for a week. Thinking of a new set of 5 things that you like about yourself.
Step Three: At the End of the week, read the list aloud to yourself while standing in front of a mirror. *Remember to RELAX*
Step Four: From ARLECIA: Allow the smiles to arrive.
Since we are on the inside looking out at the world we forget to remember that we are phenomenal! Remember love radiates from within!!
Make August the month you make yourself your best companion and supporter, period.
To excel in anything, you must recognize the Excellency in everyone, including yourself.~Arlecia P. Hill
PUSH the FROG by following the 10 commandments as much as possible for the month of August. Some of them should be pretty easy.....others...well do your best! :) I BELIEVE in you!
The 10 Commandments - God's Revelation in the Old Testament
The 10 Commandments are found in the Bible's Old Testament at Exodus, Chapter 20. They were given directly by God to the people of Israel at Mount Sinai after He had delivered them from slavery in Egypt: "And God spoke all these words, saying: 'I am the LORD your God…
ONE: 'You shall have no other gods before Me.'
TWO: 'You shall not make for yourself a carved image--any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.'
THREE: 'You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.'
FOUR: 'Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.'
FIVE: 'Honor your father and your mother.'
SIX: 'You shall not murder.'
SEVEN: 'You shall not commit adultery.'
EIGHT: 'You shall not steal.'
NINE: 'You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.'
TEN: 'You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor's.'
You are your number 1 Fan....God has your back!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
July Summer Breeze
July has come and is almost gone! I hope you have had a great summer whether you worked or just enjoyed yourself being a human.
Take a mental break for the rest of July if you can. Try to not think about the things that worry you. Try to not get into arguments if you can help it. Spend time appreciating the fact that you are alive.
Only task this month...breathe.
See you in August!
Take a mental break for the rest of July if you can. Try to not think about the things that worry you. Try to not get into arguments if you can help it. Spend time appreciating the fact that you are alive.
Only task this month...breathe.
See you in August!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
June is HEEERRRE!!
Welcome to June! I hope you've had a wonderful first week of June. Mine has been very relaxing as well as cleansing! I've been busy decluttering all the areas in my house, classroom, and life that needed some attention.
So I know that this month is usually a calm month for a lot of people with or without kids. So this month, I want you to take it easy. Enjoy the beautiful weather that has been afforded to us and relax.
Give yourself the opportunity to do something you love! Go for a walk, ride a bike, read a book without feeling guilty. You owe it to yourself.
Two tasks this month...
Create a perpetual wishlist for yourself. Placing things on it that you would really like to have or own that you just never picked up. That way when people ask you what you want for different occasions you can pull out your list and choose items to give them an idea.
Spend some time meditating on what kind of person you have become. Think about how that person aligns with your faith and spiritual thought process. Think about one or two things that you might want to change and spend the next 2o or so days improving that quality in you.
Galations 5:22 discusses the fruits of the spirit. So look at that scripture and decide which qualities you can continue to grow in and which ones need improvement.
Find time to appreciate and love all the wonderful things that make up you.
Happy June!!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
May is Here...Hercules, Hercules, Hercules!
How excited am I that May is almost over??? EXTREMELY!!! This the end of an era that has been troubling for me. I can FINALLY see the light and I am ready to embrace it! This is the time of year when everyone is ready for Summertime!! I know teachers, students, and maybe some parents are thrilled summer is almost here. :) How do you feel about summer coming? Does it not affect you except your AC bill? Or are you finding more time to doing things that matter to you and not the world around you?
So, I've come to the conclusion that I finally realize why I created this project. The multiple intelligence and the classroom stuff was what I thought it was and boy was I wrong. Follow your eyes to the top of the screen and you should see In 2009, I will P.U.S.H. the F.R.O.G. Pray Until Something Happens to help evolve Fully Relying On God! The whole purpose for this project is Honor our Creator with insightful activities using M.I. and become a more productive and closer-knit community! WOW!!! Now the ride will become FUN!!!!
SO for the month of May, use your resources and find 6 minutes ASAP to read the book of Colossians in the Bible which can be found in the New Testament.
My favorite scripture is Col. 3:4 which states Christ is my Life!! Could you imagine where He would take you if that's all you focused on? If you put Him first in EVERYTHING; how much would you worry or stress? Col 2:6-23 This portion gave me pause. There are some people in my life that have tried their PHILOSOPHIES on me and I haven't felt comfortable. This is why....Amazing! Col. 3:12-15 Make this your thought process and thinking while you go through your day to day details of your life for the rest of May and early part of June.
Make it your focus to spend more time with your family that includes the friends and acquaintances that are God's chosen people. You couldn't pick your family, but I think that was God's purpose. He wanted you to love people just because you didn't pick them. You may not understand their thinking when it comes to different topics, but they are giving you advice for a reason. Col 3:18-25 are some ways to help you with this way of life if you need some guidance.
While you are talking to your family and chosen family begin complimenting them with positive thoughts you've had or memories. Make it your business to make them feel special. Step out of your comfort zone and make some changes when it comes to the way you talk about and to your families. They are the ones who love you when you don't want to be noticed. Tell them you notice them!
Have you been challenging your mind and improving your memory? Try some number puzzles or crossword puzzles. Play in the newspaper, they could use your support right now.
Have you been moving lately?? I joined a Zumba Class offered through UL continuting education. I absolutely love it! It is just the right of intensity without the pressure of exercising! Do some movement somehow!!!
So this month think about what you are believing and thinking about in terms of your life. What are you hoping and wishing to have? Money? A Car? A House? I'm actually thinking about buying a house. I want to have something that I can call my own. My friend's sister graduated this weekend and she looked so young and fresh and thrilled to finally be done with high school! She had all the possibilities at her fingertips. So of course my friends and I began to share our thoughts about high school and I pulled out my senior book and reread the thoughts I had back then and it was great to see some of that thinking has come true. So do some dreaming, wishing and hoping and let me know if I can help!!
So, I've come to the conclusion that I finally realize why I created this project. The multiple intelligence and the classroom stuff was what I thought it was and boy was I wrong. Follow your eyes to the top of the screen and you should see In 2009, I will P.U.S.H. the F.R.O.G. Pray Until Something Happens to help evolve Fully Relying On God! The whole purpose for this project is Honor our Creator with insightful activities using M.I. and become a more productive and closer-knit community! WOW!!! Now the ride will become FUN!!!!
SO for the month of May, use your resources and find 6 minutes ASAP to read the book of Colossians in the Bible which can be found in the New Testament.
My favorite scripture is Col. 3:4 which states Christ is my Life!! Could you imagine where He would take you if that's all you focused on? If you put Him first in EVERYTHING; how much would you worry or stress? Col 2:6-23 This portion gave me pause. There are some people in my life that have tried their PHILOSOPHIES on me and I haven't felt comfortable. This is why....Amazing! Col. 3:12-15 Make this your thought process and thinking while you go through your day to day details of your life for the rest of May and early part of June.
Make it your focus to spend more time with your family that includes the friends and acquaintances that are God's chosen people. You couldn't pick your family, but I think that was God's purpose. He wanted you to love people just because you didn't pick them. You may not understand their thinking when it comes to different topics, but they are giving you advice for a reason. Col 3:18-25 are some ways to help you with this way of life if you need some guidance.
While you are talking to your family and chosen family begin complimenting them with positive thoughts you've had or memories. Make it your business to make them feel special. Step out of your comfort zone and make some changes when it comes to the way you talk about and to your families. They are the ones who love you when you don't want to be noticed. Tell them you notice them!
Have you been challenging your mind and improving your memory? Try some number puzzles or crossword puzzles. Play in the newspaper, they could use your support right now.
Have you been moving lately?? I joined a Zumba Class offered through UL continuting education. I absolutely love it! It is just the right of intensity without the pressure of exercising! Do some movement somehow!!!
So this month think about what you are believing and thinking about in terms of your life. What are you hoping and wishing to have? Money? A Car? A House? I'm actually thinking about buying a house. I want to have something that I can call my own. My friend's sister graduated this weekend and she looked so young and fresh and thrilled to finally be done with high school! She had all the possibilities at her fingertips. So of course my friends and I began to share our thoughts about high school and I pulled out my senior book and reread the thoughts I had back then and it was great to see some of that thinking has come true. So do some dreaming, wishing and hoping and let me know if I can help!!
Push the Frog!
Enjoy the rest of May; I know I will!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Inspirational Hugs
April is drawing to a close and I think that it's been a pretty successful month. How about you? What do you feel successful about this month?? Reflect about the things that you feel completely confident and thrilled that you are finished with that business.
This is an amazing video of Will Smith. He's in my top 5 celebrities. He's no 2. I absolutely love his thought processes in this video. Take a look at it and reflect on paper or mentally. I think he is considering himself of the Scientology religion or whatever it is. Many people feel very negative about this thought process. For me, I think many people aren't comfortable with things that don't make sense. But that's what your religion does or your spirituality says; it's what makes sense to you. If it doesn't make sense to you then you won't give your full heart to it. These last few days in April, please reflect on what makes sense to you whether you discuss your thoughts with your circle of friends/family or not, think about it for things that are uncomfortable. How do you really feel about capital punishment? How do you think Barack Obama became president? Do you have doubts about the space program or did we really go to the moon? Eat someBlue and Green M&Ms to keep up your strength. *wink*
So I've come to the conclusion that I love to pretend my life is a t.v. show and I constantly directing the people around me. Most of the time it's a comedy, but there are a few occasions it can get a little soap opera-ish or reality t.v. What kind of picture plays in your head as you record your day to day memories? My friend has a shirt with Dr. House with a band-aid on his mouth and underneath it, it says Everybody Lies. This is true. My favorite show Lie To Me says it plain and simple, there's no question if someone is lying, the question is Why are they lying? So try to think about what reasons you lie. Do you lie to get something? Do you lie to save feelings? Do you like to lie?
The weather has been beautiful. Spend some time enjoying it...Have you found the little things that make you happy?? Spend a few moments to list a few things each day that made you smile. Was it a memory? Was it a image or a scene? What about an item?
Here are some quotes to think about until the next episode of Operation PUSH the FROG!
I am careful not to confuse excellence with perfection. Excellence, I can reach for; perfection is God's business.-Michael J. Fox
Ability is what you are capable of doing. Motivation determines how well you do it. Attitude determines how well you do it~Lou Holtz
Be careful of your thoughts, they may become words at any moment. ~Iara Gassen
Keep high aspirations, moderate expectations, and small needs.-H. Stein
This is an amazing video of Will Smith. He's in my top 5 celebrities. He's no 2. I absolutely love his thought processes in this video. Take a look at it and reflect on paper or mentally. I think he is considering himself of the Scientology religion or whatever it is. Many people feel very negative about this thought process. For me, I think many people aren't comfortable with things that don't make sense. But that's what your religion does or your spirituality says; it's what makes sense to you. If it doesn't make sense to you then you won't give your full heart to it. These last few days in April, please reflect on what makes sense to you whether you discuss your thoughts with your circle of friends/family or not, think about it for things that are uncomfortable. How do you really feel about capital punishment? How do you think Barack Obama became president? Do you have doubts about the space program or did we really go to the moon? Eat someBlue and Green M&Ms to keep up your strength. *wink*
So I've come to the conclusion that I love to pretend my life is a t.v. show and I constantly directing the people around me. Most of the time it's a comedy, but there are a few occasions it can get a little soap opera-ish or reality t.v. What kind of picture plays in your head as you record your day to day memories? My friend has a shirt with Dr. House with a band-aid on his mouth and underneath it, it says Everybody Lies. This is true. My favorite show Lie To Me says it plain and simple, there's no question if someone is lying, the question is Why are they lying? So try to think about what reasons you lie. Do you lie to get something? Do you lie to save feelings? Do you like to lie?
The weather has been beautiful. Spend some time enjoying it...Have you found the little things that make you happy?? Spend a few moments to list a few things each day that made you smile. Was it a memory? Was it a image or a scene? What about an item?
Here are some quotes to think about until the next episode of Operation PUSH the FROG!
Pray Until Something Happens to help evolve FULLY Relying On God!
I am careful not to confuse excellence with perfection. Excellence, I can reach for; perfection is God's business.-Michael J. Fox
Ability is what you are capable of doing. Motivation determines how well you do it. Attitude determines how well you do it~Lou Holtz
Be careful of your thoughts, they may become words at any moment. ~Iara Gassen
Keep high aspirations, moderate expectations, and small needs.-H. Stein
Monday, March 30, 2009
My Favorite magnet:
These are my thoughts for you in April:
This is my wish for you:
comfort on difficult days,
smiles when sadness intrudes,
rainbows to follow the clouds,
laughter to kiss your lips,
sunsets to warm your heart,
hugs when spirits sag,
friendships to brighten your being,
beauty for your eyes to see,
faith so that you can believe,
confidence for when you doubt,
patience to accept the truth,
courage to know yourself,
love to complete your life.
April Issue
Welcome to the March/April Issue! Can you believe it's April already??? I hope you are finding those moments to cherish how amazing you are and how Awesome God is!!!
March was a SLOOOW month, but extremely hectic! Some words that were popping up for me were ambition, family, peace, and strength.
This month was the 1 year anniversary of my grandmother's death. It was a lot easier than I thought it would be. I think doing the writing last summer helped tremendously. I wrote what I wanted her to know, explained my feelings that I didn't express, and just told her what she meant to me. It didn't change overnight, but it surely helped heal the process. Her birthday was March 20th. I could see her presence everywhere. I've never noticed spring until this year. I actually saw and paid attention to the flowers blooming and the wind blowing. My grandmother was my spring and now I get to see it in nature.
Church has been heating up lately....we raised $75,000 in less than 90 days for our church property. Pastor Ken told us that God is a Big God and we can't put limits on Him. Wow...can you imagine what God could do for you if you would just allow Him? Stop putting God in a box and let Him do what He needs to in your life. Think about that throughout the month of April.
This month, let's reflect on these questions on paper or in your mind....
What role does music play in your life?
What photo represents your image of yourself the best?
Who have you been neglecting lately in your life?
What are you doing daily to improve your brain power?
How satisfied are you with your life in general?
What do you think you could improve on in your life?
What do you think you would change to make you completely happy?
What in your past are you the most proud of?
So this month, try to be kinder to everyone and enjoy the sunshine as it comes!
March was a SLOOOW month, but extremely hectic! Some words that were popping up for me were ambition, family, peace, and strength.
This month was the 1 year anniversary of my grandmother's death. It was a lot easier than I thought it would be. I think doing the writing last summer helped tremendously. I wrote what I wanted her to know, explained my feelings that I didn't express, and just told her what she meant to me. It didn't change overnight, but it surely helped heal the process. Her birthday was March 20th. I could see her presence everywhere. I've never noticed spring until this year. I actually saw and paid attention to the flowers blooming and the wind blowing. My grandmother was my spring and now I get to see it in nature.
Church has been heating up lately....we raised $75,000 in less than 90 days for our church property. Pastor Ken told us that God is a Big God and we can't put limits on Him. Wow...can you imagine what God could do for you if you would just allow Him? Stop putting God in a box and let Him do what He needs to in your life. Think about that throughout the month of April.
This month, let's reflect on these questions on paper or in your mind....
What role does music play in your life?
What photo represents your image of yourself the best?
Who have you been neglecting lately in your life?
What are you doing daily to improve your brain power?
How satisfied are you with your life in general?
What do you think you could improve on in your life?
What do you think you would change to make you completely happy?
What in your past are you the most proud of?
So this month, try to be kinder to everyone and enjoy the sunshine as it comes!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
March/April Madness
So I've been caught up in the March winds and the March Madness and have neglected your tasks for this month. Not literally caught up just BUSY and contemplating...
So this is going to be a bimonthly issue and you'll get new insights into your life in before the end of the week...
Enjoy your week!!!
So this is going to be a bimonthly issue and you'll get new insights into your life in before the end of the week...
Enjoy your week!!!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Motivation for February
Here's some quotes just for you....Take one and own and make it yours...it will only cost you about 10 minutes of reading and 3 minutes for debating....
"Every morning you are handed 24 golden hours. They are one of the few things in this world that you get free of charge.
If you had all the money in the world, you couldn't buy an extra hour. What will you do with this priceless treasure?" Author Unknown
"I recommend you to take care of the minutes, for the hours will take care of themselves." Lord Chesterfield
"If there was ever a time to dare, to make a difference, to embark on something worth doing, IT IS NOW." Author Unknown
"Lost, yesterday, somewhere between sunrise and sunset, two golden hours, each set with sixty diamond minutes. No reward is offered for they are gone forever." Horace Mann
"Don't say you don't have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michaelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein." H. Jackson Brown
Time and words can't be recalled, even if it was only yesterday." Yiddish Proverb
"When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive -- to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love." Marcus Aurelius
"If you want to make good use of your time, you've got to know what's most important and then give it all you've got." Lee Iacocca
"Every morning you are handed 24 golden hours. They are one of the few things in this world that you get free of charge.
If you had all the money in the world, you couldn't buy an extra hour. What will you do with this priceless treasure?" Author Unknown
"I recommend you to take care of the minutes, for the hours will take care of themselves." Lord Chesterfield
"If there was ever a time to dare, to make a difference, to embark on something worth doing, IT IS NOW." Author Unknown
"Lost, yesterday, somewhere between sunrise and sunset, two golden hours, each set with sixty diamond minutes. No reward is offered for they are gone forever." Horace Mann
"Don't say you don't have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michaelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein." H. Jackson Brown
Time and words can't be recalled, even if it was only yesterday." Yiddish Proverb
"When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive -- to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love." Marcus Aurelius
"If you want to make good use of your time, you've got to know what's most important and then give it all you've got." Lee Iacocca
Tasks for February...
So I have to admit that I'm a little disappointed in the project. I've been feeling a little depressed about it actually. Here's why...
I came up with this idea to allow people to enjoy life in a whole new way, by doing different things for free. I never thought this would be the outcome. I spent two weeks typing the packet that I gave you. Then I spent roughly $200 to copy and mail to about 75 people. I heard from less than 10. My friend Roz and I came up with a new phrase...Life is nothing I expected, but everything I wanted. I don't think this applies to this situation...I know people are busy, but goshly so am I. I know it probably felt too broad or too much or whatever...Ludacris says a line in his new song...people are too picky these days...Too tall, too short, too fat, too skinny, Have a couple of drinks and quit discriminating. Nothing has ever been more true. People complain all day long about everything and anything. Even if nothing bad has happened in their life they complain.
This month...I'm giving up complaining. It doesn't do any body any good and I need all the room for positive words and thoughts. I'm sorry if I've overwhelmed you with something that wasn't what you were ready for, but this is something I'm passionate about. I want people to realize that God wants us to be happy and have peace. We can't do that if we are too busy...
In the bathroom at my school, there's a poster on the door as you face the toilet and it says something about taking the time to listen and breathe and it gives me a chance to remember that I'm here for God's Purpose and He guides me through each and every event.
So this month...LOVE YOURSELF! TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF...write about what you want.
Create your I hate list and then you'll be able to free yourself from feeling guilty about that part of yourself. It's okay to have bad habits or to dislike your faults as long as you can accept them.
Here's a preview into my I hate list...
12. I hate to change the toilet paper roll.
15. I hate the fact that people don't return communication immediately...phone call, email, text message...*I'm guilty too*
5. I hate lighters...
Here's a preview into my I love list...
3. I love the sunshine.
6. I think movie poster designers are genius.
18. The color baby blue and yellow in any combination.
28. I love the sound of the keyboarding tapping under my fingers..*it goes back to my days at LHS taking keyboarding*
So to do list for the MONTH of February:
Take time for yourself even it is just 5 minutes.
Go read the kid's book Five Minutes' Peace by Jill Murphy...cost:10 mins.
Daydream about a hobby or a new job...cost 20 mins.
Create a mental or actual playlist/soundtrack of songs for your life right now...cost: 20 mins.
Add a new item to your I hate/I love list...cost 2 mins.
Read that article in the magazine you've been wanting to...cost 5 mins.
Whole magazine...30 mins.
Go get a massage...from a licensed professional or practicing expert...cost: 45 mins.
Be frugal...cost: 10 secs.
be honest about being frugal...cost: 3 mins.
Pat yourself on the back for every frugal thought...cost: 30 seconds.
Hug a friend for longer than 3 secs. cost: PRICELESS...hahaha you knew it was coming...
MANTRA for FEBRUARY: You DO have time...You have the same amount of time as Anne Frank, Martin Luther King Jr., and Mother Teresa...Make it count!!
ENJOY!!!! Pray Until Something Happens to help evolve Fully Relying On God!
I came up with this idea to allow people to enjoy life in a whole new way, by doing different things for free. I never thought this would be the outcome. I spent two weeks typing the packet that I gave you. Then I spent roughly $200 to copy and mail to about 75 people. I heard from less than 10. My friend Roz and I came up with a new phrase...Life is nothing I expected, but everything I wanted. I don't think this applies to this situation...I know people are busy, but goshly so am I. I know it probably felt too broad or too much or whatever...Ludacris says a line in his new song...people are too picky these days...Too tall, too short, too fat, too skinny, Have a couple of drinks and quit discriminating. Nothing has ever been more true. People complain all day long about everything and anything. Even if nothing bad has happened in their life they complain.
This month...I'm giving up complaining. It doesn't do any body any good and I need all the room for positive words and thoughts. I'm sorry if I've overwhelmed you with something that wasn't what you were ready for, but this is something I'm passionate about. I want people to realize that God wants us to be happy and have peace. We can't do that if we are too busy...
In the bathroom at my school, there's a poster on the door as you face the toilet and it says something about taking the time to listen and breathe and it gives me a chance to remember that I'm here for God's Purpose and He guides me through each and every event.
So this month...LOVE YOURSELF! TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF...write about what you want.
Create your I hate list and then you'll be able to free yourself from feeling guilty about that part of yourself. It's okay to have bad habits or to dislike your faults as long as you can accept them.
Here's a preview into my I hate list...
12. I hate to change the toilet paper roll.
15. I hate the fact that people don't return communication immediately...phone call, email, text message...*I'm guilty too*
5. I hate lighters...
Here's a preview into my I love list...
3. I love the sunshine.
6. I think movie poster designers are genius.
18. The color baby blue and yellow in any combination.
28. I love the sound of the keyboarding tapping under my fingers..*it goes back to my days at LHS taking keyboarding*
So to do list for the MONTH of February:
Take time for yourself even it is just 5 minutes.
Go read the kid's book Five Minutes' Peace by Jill Murphy...cost:10 mins.
Daydream about a hobby or a new job...cost 20 mins.
Create a mental or actual playlist/soundtrack of songs for your life right now...cost: 20 mins.
Add a new item to your I hate/I love list...cost 2 mins.
Read that article in the magazine you've been wanting to...cost 5 mins.
Whole magazine...30 mins.
Go get a massage...from a licensed professional or practicing expert...cost: 45 mins.
Be frugal...cost: 10 secs.
be honest about being frugal...cost: 3 mins.
Pat yourself on the back for every frugal thought...cost: 30 seconds.
Hug a friend for longer than 3 secs. cost: PRICELESS...hahaha you knew it was coming...
MANTRA for FEBRUARY: You DO have time...You have the same amount of time as Anne Frank, Martin Luther King Jr., and Mother Teresa...Make it count!!
ENJOY!!!! Pray Until Something Happens to help evolve Fully Relying On God!
Sunday, January 4, 2009
January Tasks
Here are your tasks for the month of January. Do as many as you would like. 3 is the requirement. This month we are trying to focus on the spiritual/self/and people smarts. *Blue and Bag*
Red-Verbal-Linguistic-Spend some time learning some new words. I was watching Joel Osteen and he was telling a story about a man who stuttered and wanted to be a reporter. He talked about how this man's roommate helped him increase his vocabulary by teaching him a new word everyday for 4 years. That is amazing to have that commitment. So increase your word smarts by learning a new word for a period of time. Either in English or try another language. Record your reactions to this experience in your journal.
Orange-Musical-Rhythmical-Spend some time learning a new genre of music. You should have a favorite group in each genre. So this month look at the blues/jazz category. Listen to all the different jazz artists that are out there and decide which would be your favorite. Barnes and Noble has an amazing selection that you can listen to and decide which one you like. Then go to the public library and borrow the artist. I'd like you to record in your journal who the favorite artist in the categories blues and jazz.
Yellow-Mathematical-Logical/Visual-Spatial-Spend some time completing a color by number or Soduku. Engage either the Number or Picture Smart by doing anything outside of your comfort zone.Record in your journal what you did and your emotions about it.
Green-Naturalistic-Spend some time outside in nature or around animals this month. Pushing the envelope when it comes to your Nature Smart. Record how you did this.
Blue-Interpersonal-Spend some time leaving messages on every phone call you make if you can. Connect with people this month by leaving a message whenever you call someone.
Intrapersonal-Spend some time creating your lists about what your preferences. Use lists this month to get comfortable with writing and getting your thoughts onto paper. Work on your book list, choose a category and find books to fall into it.
Brown-Bodily-Kinesthetic-Spend some time moving this month. Try an exercise that you haven't done before. Try to do some yoga, hip hop dancing, and/or ballet. These are great strengthening activities...check with your doctor of course first.
Bag-Existential-Spend some time learning about other religions. Sometimes the things we don't understand are usually the things we fear the most. Find a religion that is different from your own and read the facts and some of their beliefs. Try something if you feel comfortable. Write in your journal about the alikes/differences in your religions.
Enjoy!!!! PUSH the FROG!!!
Red-Verbal-Linguistic-Spend some time learning some new words. I was watching Joel Osteen and he was telling a story about a man who stuttered and wanted to be a reporter. He talked about how this man's roommate helped him increase his vocabulary by teaching him a new word everyday for 4 years. That is amazing to have that commitment. So increase your word smarts by learning a new word for a period of time. Either in English or try another language. Record your reactions to this experience in your journal.
Orange-Musical-Rhythmical-Spend some time learning a new genre of music. You should have a favorite group in each genre. So this month look at the blues/jazz category. Listen to all the different jazz artists that are out there and decide which would be your favorite. Barnes and Noble has an amazing selection that you can listen to and decide which one you like. Then go to the public library and borrow the artist. I'd like you to record in your journal who the favorite artist in the categories blues and jazz.
Yellow-Mathematical-Logical/Visual-Spatial-Spend some time completing a color by number or Soduku. Engage either the Number or Picture Smart by doing anything outside of your comfort zone.Record in your journal what you did and your emotions about it.
Green-Naturalistic-Spend some time outside in nature or around animals this month. Pushing the envelope when it comes to your Nature Smart. Record how you did this.
Blue-Interpersonal-Spend some time leaving messages on every phone call you make if you can. Connect with people this month by leaving a message whenever you call someone.
Intrapersonal-Spend some time creating your lists about what your preferences. Use lists this month to get comfortable with writing and getting your thoughts onto paper. Work on your book list, choose a category and find books to fall into it.
Brown-Bodily-Kinesthetic-Spend some time moving this month. Try an exercise that you haven't done before. Try to do some yoga, hip hop dancing, and/or ballet. These are great strengthening activities...check with your doctor of course first.
Bag-Existential-Spend some time learning about other religions. Sometimes the things we don't understand are usually the things we fear the most. Find a religion that is different from your own and read the facts and some of their beliefs. Try something if you feel comfortable. Write in your journal about the alikes/differences in your religions.
Enjoy!!!! PUSH the FROG!!!
Friday, January 2, 2009
Welcome to 2009!!
Welcome to the first month in 2009!!
I trust and hope everyone had a relaxing, enjoyable, and safe holiday.
This month we will focus on the Spiritual, People and Self Smarts.
There will be 8 different tasks available to you. Depending on your schedule, you may do all of them or only a few. But try to do at least 3 of the tasks. After/As you complete each tasks, try to record your thoughts, feelings, and memories connected with that task.
Please send your surveys back by January 15th.
I'd really like to get started on our journey!!!
I trust and hope everyone had a relaxing, enjoyable, and safe holiday.
This month we will focus on the Spiritual, People and Self Smarts.
There will be 8 different tasks available to you. Depending on your schedule, you may do all of them or only a few. But try to do at least 3 of the tasks. After/As you complete each tasks, try to record your thoughts, feelings, and memories connected with that task.
Please send your surveys back by January 15th.
I'd really like to get started on our journey!!!
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